Other Stories of Addiction/Recovery

Question for Josh: Rural Resources

Do you have any insights for someone in a rural area who feels that resources and awareness are far too limited, but would like to help fight this in some way? I will be up front in admitting that so far opioid addiction has spared me and my immediate family, but many, many peers and family members of friends, etc… are suffering and I think of them all constantly. I feel so helpless with more people ODing or becoming addicted every day, and I feel compelled to help spread awareness and resource referrals. Communities in our country need to work together at providing hope to those who are affected and educate kids and families to hopefully have a positive impact on future generations. Sincerely, I thank you for sharing your perspective through this platform. I am encouraged by the online resources popping up and by more people being brave enough to share their stories. There are still so many affected by this who are afraid to share and afraid to seek help.


2 thoughts on “Question for Josh: Rural Resources”

  1. Nick,
    Thank you for your question. I know Josh will see it at some point, but I literally posted it to the website seconds ago. I don’t often make immediate replies myself, but your question arrived on the day we launched our initiative to build a resource page on our website. Like you, we want to make sure that people have the education and awareness to escape addiction or avoid it all together, no matter where they live. We are working on curating state specific resources to allow people to find help. Keep checking back on our resource page as it grows. Additionally, in your own searching, if you find a resource that we need to be aware of, please email us or DM us on a social media platform.
    Thank you.

  2. Hi Nick,
    I am from a small area as well and know how hard it can be. I come from an area in upstate NY that has been hit by the opioid crisis rather hard and lack of resources has definitely hurt. I have found that most states/counties have recourses related to alcohol or drug addiction listed online. In addition most medical professionals in your area should also be able to point you in the right direction. DSC is currently working on a recourse list but I hope this helps you or some else in a rural area in the meantime. Thank you for caring for others.

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